Committee for Children Blog

CASEL, social emotional learning, SEL, bullying prevention, child safety, policy and advocacy

Joan Cole Duffell Recognized with Prestigious CASEL Award

The prestigious Mary Utne O’Brien Award is presented annually by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) — and this year, we are so proud to announce that our own Executive Director, Joan Cole Duffell is its recipient. Read More

SEL, advocacy, policy, social emotional learning, children, school funding

Annual Advocacy Day – A Success!

On Wednesday, February 8, 2017, Committee for Children held their annual Advocacy Day. In spite of snow, sleet, and rain (no flooding or pestilence, thankfully), CFC took a hearty crowd of 20 people to meet with 34 legislators and/or their staff. We were very lucky to have a number of young people go with us this year as well; they are always the stars of the show!Read More