Committee for Children Blog

social emotional learning, responsive classroom, implementation, CARES, child protection

Implementing Responsive Classroom and Second Step in an Elementary School

This Virginia school district implements and integrates these programs to help students develop important social-emotional skills.

Responsive Classroom (RC) and Second Step are both evidence-based programs that focus on the strong relationship between academic success and social-emotional learning (SEL). Together, they provide tools for a safe and welcoming learning community, and for important academic, social, and emotional skills. Read More

trauma informed, social emotional learning, teacher, educator

Don’t Miss These Connections Between SEL and Trauma-Informed Practice

When we cannot know for sure whether children have experienced trauma, the use of trauma-informed practices and supports becomes more important in creating safe learning environments. Social-emotional learning and competencies are key in carrying out these practices so that kids feel supported and can thrive. Read More

CASEL, social emotional learning, SEL, bullying prevention, child safety, policy and advocacy

Joan Cole Duffell Recognized with Prestigious CASEL Award

The prestigious Mary Utne O’Brien Award is presented annually by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) — and this year, we are so proud to announce that our own Executive Director, Joan Cole Duffell is its recipient. Read More

Books to Help Parents Talk About and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse

Research suggests that talking about child sexual abuse helps keep kids safe. We’ve curated this list of books that can help families talk about child safety, children recovering from trauma, and adults supporting children recovering from trauma. Check out our list and the other resources we offer for these important conversations. Read More

advocacy, SEL, policy, children, school funding, social emotional learning, child safety

Advocating for Child Safety for Nearly Forty Years

Since our inception nearly forty years ago, we at Committee for Children have stood for the principle that the best way to address child sexual abuse is to prevent it from happening in the first place. We’re continuously looking for ways to advocate for law and policy that prioritize evidence-informed prevention strategies to ensure our children are kept safe—and there are some recent key and ongoing actions we’ve been working on. Read More

child abuse prevention resources, parenting, parents, advocacy, second step, hot chocolate talk

The Hot Chocolate Talk: The Discussion Every Parent Needs to Have

Child sexual abuse thrives on silence—but we can help to keep kids safe by talking openly and often to children about abuse. The Hot Chocolate Talk is our new initiative that, with multiple resources, helps parents and caretakers know what to say and do to protect kids from predators, starting now. Read More

friendship making activity

Support Tree: Who’s Safe to Ask for Help—Activity

Grades EL–3—When it comes to personal safety, children need to know who to go to for help. In this free activity teachers, parents, and guardians help students name the people in their lives who they can go to when something’s not quite right.Read More