Committee for Children Blog

Telling Is Not Teaching

When I first began working with the Second Step program 15 years ago, my colleagues and I were so focused on completing the lessons that we completely overlooked the extension activities (these are now called daily practice activities in Second Step  4th edition).Read More

No Name-Calling Week

Every year since 2004, during the fourth week of January, schools across the country have participated in No Name-Calling Week with educational activities aimed at ending name-calling and verbal bullying.Read More

Book Review: Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family

by Lensey Namioka
Reading Level: Grades 3–4

The Story

Yingmei (Yang the Third) and her family recently moved to Seattle,
Washington, from China. As she tries to fit in, Yingmei changes he
name to Mary, keeps a journal of the American words she wants to
learn, eats sandwiches made with peanut butter and jelly instead of
bean sprouts, and frets that the rest of her family isn't…Read More

Book Review: The Brand New Kid

by Katie Couric
Reading level: Preschool–Grade 2

Second-grader Lazlo S. Gasky seems different from the other kids at Brookhaven School. His white-blond hair sticks up all over, his vivid blue eyes and super-pink lips stand out against his pale complexion, his accent sounds “strange” to the other students, and he is brand new to his class (perhaps one of the most “different” traits possible in…Read More