Every year, Second Step® programs reach more than 26.9 million students around the world, leading to countless stories of achievement. With each story of student progress and development, we affirm our programs are working toward a common goal: our mission to foster the safety and well-being of children through social-emotional learning and development. Each of our clients becomes an integral part of our mission, and these featured stories explore their challenges and triumphs. A Community Responds to Trauma Tooele County Public Schools A districtwide initiative launched to help the county cope with tragedy and achieve success. Building a Connected Community Boston Public Schools Students, teachers, and administrators give real accounts of the effects of Second Step programs. A Districtwide Bellwether Austin Independent School District Supporting a large and diverse student body by teaching social-emotional skills. Schoolwide Success Second Step® Programs at Lakewood Teaching social-emotional skills every day as a team has transformed this school’s culture. Community Support for SEL Suncoast Foundation & Lee County Schools The children of Lee County, Florida, benefit from this unique partnership focusing on SEL. Head Start on Positive Relationships Mid Florida Community Services This Head Start program helps children from all walks of life manage emotions and make friends.