Tell Your Lawmakers to Support the Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023 Today’s youth are experiencing increased rates of sadness, hopelessness, and suicidality—the highest rates the CDC has recorded in more than a decade. The scale and scope of the youth mental health crisis require a comprehensive approach that includes investments today to prevent risk factors upstream, promote protective factors, and support mental wellness and resilience for all children and youth. The recently introduced Community Mental Wellness and Resilience Act of 2023, a bipartisan bill, directs the CDC to fund and support community initiatives that use a public health approach to build population mental wellness and resilience. Taking a public health approach to this crisis is particularly critical now given the shortage of mental health professionals, which means individualized clinical treatment is not available to all youth. The children and youth in our country deserve support early on that gets ahead of and ameliorates the crisis. We’ve provided a prewritten message, but it also helps lawmakers to hear about your experiences. Consider personalizing your message with a few lines about why investing in primary prevention programs and building all children’s mental wellness and resilience matters to you. Looking for more ways to engage? Check out the All Kids Safe and Well campaign for more you can do to support all kids.