All Kids
Safe and Well

A National Campaign

Help Kids Be Safe, Skilled, and Ready to Learn

All Kids Safe and Well is a coalition of state and national partners that advocates access to life skill-building programs that can support young people’s academic achievement and overall well-being today and prepare them to succeed in the future. By teaching students how to build relationships, cope with stress and adversity, manage emotions, and solve problems, we’re setting the foundation for a generation of confident and capable learners.

Join Our Coalition

Do you represent a state or national organization? Join the All Kids Safe and Well national coalition! Our goal is to leverage a diverse group of partners to advance access to programs and services that build young people’s essential life skills as part of primary prevention and wellness promotion in a full continuum of supports.

Apply to join our coalition or contact Maddy Vonhoff at for more information.

We’re also looking to partner with individuals! Connect with us if you’re interested in using your voice to support children.

What Is Primary Prevention?

Primary prevention provides upstream support by promoting strategies for well-being that can help young people avoid or mitigate future crises. Life skill development, a Tier 1 support, is a critical component of effective primary prevention for youth as part of a full continuum of supports.

Continuum of Supports*

Tier 1 supports and instructional practices are provided to all students through prevention-based strategies and activities that foster healthy functioning and generate a safe and supportive school climate. Tier 2 services allow for early intervention to mitigate challenges and targeted support for students exhibiting risk factors. Tier 3 services allow for programs for students identified as experiencing mental health or substance use challenges that warrant individualized interventions.

Research- and evidence-based life skill-building programs promote safety and well-being for young people by:

Hand holding a heart.

Supporting the prevention of substance use, bullying, and child sexual abuse

Three people with their arms around one another's shoulders.

Reducing symptoms of externalizing challenges, such as aggression and bullying, as well as internalizing challenges, such as anxiety and depression

Partner Organizations

The following partner organizations support young people’s access to research- and evidence-based primary prevention in school settings that includes building age-appropriate, foundational life skills—such as building confidence, self-discipline, and effective communication—as a component of a full continuum of care. To support children and youth through what has been a particularly challenging time, we strongly encourage prioritizing access to primary prevention for all young people across a full continuum of support in efforts that address young people’s safety and well-being.


Please reach out to the Committee for Children Policy and Advocacy Team to ask questions or connect about the campaign and related issues.