Committee for Children is a member of several national coalitions working to advance policies that improve the well-being of children. Through our coalition work, we leverage a rich network of voices and resources that affect policy decisions at the federal level and raise awareness about issues affecting children across America. Here’s a list of the coalitions we belong to. Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition of organizations with the common purpose of seeking to advance civil and human rights for all Americans through government action at the national level. The Committee for Children Policy and Advocacy Team looks forward to further engaging in and helping to advance this work through an equity lens, as a part of Committee for Children’s vision to see safe children thriving in a just and peaceful world. Visit the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights website. Children’s Budget Coalition The Children’s Budget Coalition is dedicated to making children and families the priority in federal policy and budget decisions. Their mission is to ensure that all the nation’s children have equal opportunity to reach their full potential, through the support of federal policy that invests in children. Their work includes communication to Congress and the administration urging the prioritization of children in budget legislation. Visit the Children’s Budget Coalition website. Injury and Violence Prevention Network The Injury and Violence Prevention Network is a group of national organizations that support injury and violence prevention policies at the national level, advocating federal funding for injury and violence prevention. Strengthening the practice of violence prevention includes support for educational opportunities, training, and professional development for those within the injury and violence prevention field. Visit the Injury and Violence Prevention Network website. Title IV-A Coalition The Title IV-A Coalition is an alliance of more than 60 national organizations working together to advocate maximum funding of the flexible block grant, which is authorized at $1.6 billion for FY 2018 under Title IV, part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The block grant, known as the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grant program, is designed to ensure that high-needs districts have access to programs that foster safe and healthy students, provide students with a well-rounded education, and increase the effective use of technology in the nation’s schools. The coalition believes that if fully funded and administered, the SSAE grant program has the potential to adequately support school districts in their central mission of providing students with the skills, resources, and supports they need to succeed. Visit the Title IV-A Coalition website. National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation The National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation was formed as a means of coordination and collaboration among a wide variety of organizations and individuals committed to sexual abuse prevention. The coalition is committed to prevention and working together as like-minded leaders with a unified voice in the field to advance the work being done collectively. The coalition supports the belief that the prevention of child sexual abuse and exploitation is possible and is fundamental to protecting children from experiencing physical and psychological trauma. Visit the National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation website. SEL Providers Association The SEL Providers Association aims to advance high-quality social-emotional learning (SEL) implementation by bringing together SEL providers for networking, shared learning, collective promotion, and advocacy. Visit the SEL Providers Association website. Policy Innovators in Education Network The Policy Innovators in Education (PIE) Network connects, strengthens, and catalyzes the work of education advocates across communities, states, and ideologies to transform education so every student in every community can achieve a future without limits. Visit the PIE Network website. Leading with SEL Leading with SEL is a coalition of education organizations and associations in support of social- emotional learning (SEL), facilitated by CASEL. Organizations within the coalition represent key voices in education—parents, educators, students, community and advocacy organizations, businesses, and nonprofits—who share a vision for a high-quality education that includes SEL. Visit the Leading with SEL website. DigCit Coalition The DigCit Coalition is a network of organizations working together to redefine digital citizenship. They support educators around the world with resources and opportunities for learning and engagement, and challenge students to stay safe, solve problems, and become a force for positivity. This campaign brings together organizations with different perspectives, focus areas, and expertise to support the education community. Visit the DigCit Coalition website.