FY 2020 Congressional Appropriations Chart Download Full One Pager This chart outlines Congress’ past and current FY 2020 appropriations. The line items in this chart are predominantly discretionary funds that can be used to support SEL. For further SEL funding information, visit secondstep.org/funding-grants. This site provides extensive resources on SEL funding streams, including descriptions of federal funding sources and past allocations of federal funds to the states. Spending for Selected Federal Investments that Are Conducive to Funding SEL1 (In Millions) FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 Proposed FY 20 House FY 20 Senate FY 20 21st Century Community Learning Centers $1,211.67 $1,221.67 Not funded $1,321.67 $1,221.67 $1,249.67 IDEA—Special Education Grants to States $13,366.18 $13,468.73 $13,200.00 $14,518.54 $13,473.23 $13,885.22 Title I—Subtotal Grants to LEAs2 $15,759.80 $15,859.80 $15,859.80 $16,859.80 $15,859.80 $16,309.80 McKinney-Vento Act’s Education for Homeless Children $85.00 $93.50 $93.50 $100.00 $102.50 $101.50 Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) $75.00 $75.00 Not funded $100.00 ($25.00 for SEL PD) $75.00 $80.00 ($23.00 for SEL PD) Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants $2,055.83 $2,055.83 Not funded $2,555.83 $2,055.83 $2,131.83 Title IV, Part A—Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants $1,100.00 $1,170.00 Not funded $1,320.00 $1,220.00 $1,210.00 Title VI, Part B—Rural Education Achievement Program $180.84 $180.84 $180.80 $180.84 $180.84 $185.84 Title VIII—Impact Aid $1,414.11 $1,446.11 $1,400.00 $1,498.11 $1,471.11 $1,486.11 School Safety National Activities $90.00 $95.00 $200.00 $120.00 $105.00 $105.00 Education Innovation and Research $120.00 $130.00 $300.00 $300.00 ($170.00 for SEL grants) $130.00 $190.00 ($65.00 for SEL grants) Full Service Community Schools $17.50 $17.50 Not funded $40.00 Not funded $25.00 Promise Neighborhoods $78.25 $78.25 Not funded $80.00 $78.25 $80.00 1Not funded = programs specifically mentioned as not funded and/or proposed for elimination 2Title I, Part A—Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEAs, Part C—Migrant Education, and Part D—Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk are all conducive to funding SEL.