Committee for Children Blog

Breaking Cultural Norms to Prevent Sexual Abuse

Our world is opening back up. Children are going back to in-person learning, workers are returning to their office buildings, and thankfully, celebrations are no longer just over Zoom. While we continue to live with and navigate the pandRead More

Building Connection Through Workplace Community

In honor of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we’ve asked the Committee for Children Executive Leadership Team to reflect on their personal journeys, the women who’ve shaped them along the way, and how they’re working to break biases. Our first post is from CEO Andrea Lovanhill.Read More

Build Good Habits and Routines with Your Family This Summer

“Make a schedule,” they all said. And I, being the type-A person I am, took great delight in making my schedule on day one on the stay-at-home order, complete with a plan to iterate on that schedule and adapt it collaboratively with my kids as we tried to find our new normal. That was then.Read More

During the Pandemic, Answer the Hard Questions

My oldest child is 6 years old and he has been asking me hard questions from the moment he could talk. When he was just shy of 3 he asked me in a single conversation what happens when we die, how babies are made, and if giraffes can run. I’ve hRead More

Real-Life Parenting Tips for a Pandemic

I’m what some might call a worrier. It’s not apparent. I have a very calm exterior honed through years of practice and—if my son is any indication—some sort of innate genetic predisposition of appearing unaffected in even the most dire ofRead More


I was one of the bigger kids until sixth grade, and bullying wasn’t much of an issue for me back then. Still, I’d be lying if I pretended that my bully-free existence continued through middle and high school.Read More