Committee for Children Blog

The Second Step Program and the Bullying Prevention Unit: A Powerful Combination

We here at Committee for Children have long recognized that there are solutions that help reduce the levels of bullying in schools. The new Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit is such a solution. The Unit was created for elementary students and staff so the skills, behaviors and attitudes that help prevent bullying are instilled as early as possible and alongside…Read More

Bullying Down, Academics Up with SEL

The Second Step program empowers schools to create positive classroom climates where students thrive

Every state but one has adopted anti-bullying legislation. By now, many school districts have developed and put into place policies and procedures that outline actions to take against bullying. These policies are necessary in setting the groundwork for promoting a safe, positive climate for…Read More

classroom climate, K-5, early learning, middle school, positive

Key Factors in Creating a Positive Classroom Climate

I’ve been hearing a lot about “positive classroom climate.” What does this mean?

Classroom climate refers to the prevailing mood, attitudes, standards, and tone that you and your students feel when they are in your classroom.  A negative classroom climate can feel hostile, chaotic, and out of control. A positive classroom climate feels safe, respectful,…Read More

Book Review: Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family

by Lensey Namioka
Reading Level: Grades 3–4

The Story

Yingmei (Yang the Third) and her family recently moved to Seattle,
Washington, from China. As she tries to fit in, Yingmei changes he
name to Mary, keeps a journal of the American words she wants to
learn, eats sandwiches made with peanut butter and jelly instead of
bean sprouts, and frets that the rest of her family isn't…Read More