Committee for Children Blog

Book Review: Shrinking Violet

by Cari Best; Illustrated by Giselle Potter
Reading level: Kindergarten–Grade 2

Violet is allergic to attention. This fact has come to the attention of her classmate, Irwin, who takes every opportunity to torment her: “You have hairy arms,” he hisses from the bushes. And, “I will be watching your fat knees.” But there's something Irwin and the others don't know about Violet. Beneath…Read More

Book Review: Soupy Saturdays with the Pain and the Great One

by Judy Blume; Illustrated by James Stevenson
Reading level: Grades 1–4

Ahh, sibling rivalry. Who among us has not stooped to such fine exchanges as this one, between first grader Jake and his older sister, Abigail:

“You're a big bowl of spider soup!”

“Mmm…sounds yummy!”
“Spider poop soup! That's what you are.”Read More

Unity Day Poster 2012

A free poster to help you celebrate Unity Day on October 10, 2012. Print these and put them up in your classroom and around the school to help remind everyone to unite against bullying!

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Book Review: The Misfits

by James Howe
Reading level: Grades 6–8

Lardo. Beanpole. Freak. Tinkerbell. Queer. Slimeball. Wop. Brains. Fairy. Fat Boy. Loser.

Do these epithets define the people at whom they are aimed? Seventh grader Bobby Goodspeed and his group of “misfit” friends think not. In a bid for student council leadership, the friends underscore their broader platform for freedom and…Read More

Book Review: Gooney the Fabulous

by Lois Lowry; illustrated by Middy Thomas
Reading level: Grades 1–3

Young readers who have been following the quirky, erudite adventures of Gooney Bird Greene will enjoy two-time Newbery medalist Lois Lowry's third installment in the series (Gooney Bird Greene, Gooney Bird and the Room Mother). Those who have not yet been introduced to the unique charms of this pajama-wearing, fun-loving,…Read More

Book Review: The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too!

by Mo Willems
Reading level: Preschool–Grade 2

Author/illustrator/animator Mo Willems is a master of brevity and humor. You won't find a more succinct book about feelings than Willems' The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too! Word for word, you won't find a more entertaining one either, considering the total word count is 85. The pigeon (who also stars in…Read More