| By: Committee for Children Middle School Year-End Reflection: Summer Letter An activity for middle schoolers to reflect on what they are grateful for, what skills they learned, what challenges they anticipate, or who they can rely on for help in a letter they write to their future selves.Read More
| By: Committee for Children Class Challenge: Make Fast Friends This engaging activity helps middle school students establish and support friendships with classmates in a safe way, sans smartphones.Read More
| By: Committee for Children Teaching If–Then Plans: Accomplishing Goals for Real If—Then Plans are a key part of the Second Step middle school program. They’re the core goal-setting strategy and make regular appearances throughout the program whenever students are asked to plan ahead for difficult situations.Read More
| By: Committee for Children Classroom Challenge: Reinforcing SEL Lessons with Haiku Encourage your students to get creative and explore the rhythm of writing haiku! Check out this way to reinforce SEL lessons and skills, challenge students’ creativity, and support their comprehension and internalization of what they’re learning. Read More
| By: Kelly Doscher FREE Classroom Challenge—“Can’t Stop the Feeling” Video Treasure Hunt In this classroom challenge, students can look up, down, and all around for their favorite Second Step characters in our 360º New Year’s video! This musical classroom challenge celebrates educators and the kids who work year-round to learn SEL skills. Read More
| By: Committee for Children Bystander Skills to Prevent Bullying—Activity Grades 3–8—Bystanders to bullying are adversely affected. These five activities for upper elementary and middle school students help develop Bystander Skills.Read More
| By: Committee for Children Bullying or Joking?—Activity Grades 6–8—In this activity, middle school students come up with bullying situations between friends, then come up with actions they can take to help stop bullying.Read More
| By: Committee for Children Friendship-Making—Activity Grades 3–8—In this activity meant for kids from elementary through middle school, students practice what to say and how to break the ice as a way of getting to know others when beginning a new friend.Read More
| By: Committee for Children Class Coat of Arms—Activity Grades K-8—This activity from the Second Step Bullying Prevention Unit is a great way to strengthen that supportive class climate, not to mention an opportunity for a history lesson in coats of arms and their meanings.Read More
| By: Rachel Kamb Class Meeting: Different from You—Activity Grades 6-8—This exercise helps middle school students talk about what may be challenging about understanding other people’s differences and how to accept and celebrate them.Read More